Paranormal Ghost EVP/EMF Radio Latest [Full Version] Android APK Free Download

Paranormal Ghost EVP/EMF Radio (Latest Version) is a Android App developed by Exelerus Apps. It is a Entertainment kind of App with lots of features listed. This App already downloaded around 10,000 - 50,000 times from initial release. Paranormal Ghost EVP/EMF Radio requires your device to have Android Latest Version to open this App. This particular version of the App released with lot of bug fixes and performance improvements. You can go ahead and Download Paranormal Ghost EVP/EMF Radio (Latest Version) APK full version from the download page to install directly on your Android Device.
To Install Paranormal Ghost EVP/EMF Radio, All you need to do is just copy com.exelerus.apps.ghostradio.apk file into your Phone's SD card or Internal Storage, double tap copied file then click "Install" to manually Install onto the Android device.

1457 Ratings

App Information:

Title:Paranormal Ghost EVP/EMF Radio
Version:Varies with device

Publish Date:
Developer:Exelerus Apps
Package ID:com.exelerus.apps.ghostradio
File Size:Varies with device
Type:Android Apps

Paranormal Ghost EVP/EMF Radio Intro Video:

About Paranormal Ghost EVP/EMF Radio:

Ghost EVP/EMF Radio has been developed for exciting paranormal detection and exploration. We've put a lot of effort into making the app easy to use, so that both professional and enthusiast paranormal researchers and ghost hunters can enjoy it.

If you are either easily frightened, a super skeptic "left brainer" or have a serious heart-related medical condition, you are probably better off avoiding this app.

Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) is the collective name for the sounds sometimes detected on electronic recordings and reminiscent of human speech. These sounds are usually found in recordings with noise or poor radio reception, and is considered by many to be the voices of paranormal beings such as ghosts, spirits, demons and other energy based entities. EVP is a form of Instrumental Trans-Communication (ITC), a term coined by professor Ernst Senkowski in the 1970s.
This app has taken the traditional ghost box to the next level, and also incorporates an EMF (Electromagnetic Field) scanner. As with traditional ghost boxes, chaotic noise seems to be both inviting and sensitive to paranormal manipulation. The app generates audible speech by detecting meaningful phrases and words together with properties such as gender, age and current mood of the communicating entity. We continuously improve the app, based on user feedback, and use it during our own paranormal investigations as well.
*** Features ***
* A built-in EMF scanner: Used as entropy seed for the noise generation and shown on the TV screen.
* Quick text log: Tap on the main TV screen to toggle between modes.
* Text log screen: The persistent text log is where you can sort, share and delete.
* Record your encounters with or without the microphone of your device.
* Real-time audio visualization: Oscilloscope and Spectrometer (tap to toggle).
* In-app audio analyzer; which enables you to perform further studies by visualizing the audio and changing the playback rate.
* Open your EVP recordings in compatible audio apps with the touch of a button.
* Optional Auto Recording only produces recordings when something interesting is encountered.
* Optional vibration and audible alarms every time an entity has been detected.
* UI themes, including the new theme for Halloween.
* Share your recordings with friends and family.

*** Languages ***
Full support for English (US/UK), Czech, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish

*** Contact/Support ***
* Use the help buttons, located on every screen, to start the in-app guides.
* Reach us by email, our support site, or use the buttons on the Settings screen.
* Twitter
* Facebook
* Google+
* Mailing list
* The Ghost Radio website:

*** Usage ***
* Patience required; Don't expect amazing results after just a couple of minutes. The analyzer needs time to calibrate, and may initially not detect any patterns at all or may even give you false positives.
* When fully calibrated the speech to text translation and speech quality should be improved.
* The EMF scanner use the magnetometer sensor of your device so ensure it is calibrated (by waving the device in a eight pattern a couple of times).

We hope that you, like many others, will be fascinated by the paranormal experience of Ghost EVP Radio. Thanks for downloading!

Every effort has been made to make this app truly unique, but we can offer no guarantee that you will get specific results by using it. Since the results of this app haven't been scientifically verified, it should only be used for entertainment purposes. Please use it responsibly.

Paranormal Ghost EVP/EMF Radio Screenshots:

Download Paranormal Ghost EVP/EMF Radio (Latest Version):

You can download Paranormal Ghost EVP/EMF Radio (Latest Version) APK from a External secure server found on the internet or directly download on Google Playstore using the following links.

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